Thursday, June 10

Testing... testing...

Where are all the people? Asleep, I suppose. I would be as well, if I wasn't flicking cigarette ash under the keys on my laptop and endlessly trying to whittle away the night until the twighlight hours bring the dawn chorus and a new day. I wish I was home - I wish this place even felt like home. I keep telling myself, 'just 3 more days, just 3 more days'... but 3 more days seems an eternity here.I'll just keep playing my records and hope no-one knocks on the door. I'm asleep if they call, asleep or out or anything to not answer the door. My isolation is my own, but my reasons are theirs. I can't fight, can't win. The walls of this place extend away from my touch. If not for the lock on my door that conceals this pale servitude I would step out into the dazzling light of day. But the chain is on, the curtains pulled, the music low and your author lower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's good to see your writing is always this good, and not just when directed at me in little snippets of roundabout wisdom =)


June 10, 2004 4:43 pm  

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