Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon - Kent
Du har lärt mig allt jag kan
om att hålla ryggen fri
Du och jag kan slåss
om en plats i solen...
Vi kan slåss om en plats
längst fram
om någonting att hålla i
Du och jag kan slåss om
den bästa stolen
vem som än har den
Vem är det som har den?
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
Jag kan inte tänka klart
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
och se vem som står kvar
Du har lärt mig allt jag kan
om att aldrig någonsin
lägga sig i
Du och jag kan stå
i vårt hörn och blunda
Det är ändå redan
alldeles för sent
Det finns inget kvar
att hålla fast vid
så du och jag kan stå
i vårt hörn och undra
vad var det som gick fel
Vad var det som gick fel?
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
det händer någonting snart
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
Nu kan jag inte längre tänka klart...
Vi kan väl vänta, vi kan väl vänta,
vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon...
(meaning) - Updated 10/6/04. Trust a stupid website to translate something beautiful? Yes, I was that stupid. Here is my translation, which I feel is a big improvement. Please excuse my cut-and-paste laziness of a couple of nights ago. And my admittedly not-great Swedish. Lisa, I didn't copy your translation! That's at my other house. So forgive how bad this probably is.
We can wait until tomorrow
You have taught me all I know
About keeping my escape route free
You and I can fight
For a place in the sun
We can fight for a place at the front
For something to hold on to
You and I can fight for
The best seat
Which of us got it?
Which of us still has it?
We can wait until tomorrow
I can’t think clear
We can wait until tomorrow
And see who it is that’s left
You have taught me all I know
About never interfering
You and I can stand
In our corner, eyes closed
It is already all too late
There is nothing firm here to hold on to
So you and I can stand
In our corner and wonder
What it was that went wrong
What was it that went wrong?
We can wait until tomorrow
Something’s drawing near
We can wait until tomorrow
Now I can no longer think clearly
We can wait, we can wait, we can wait,
We can wait until tomorrow
We can wait, we can wait, we can wait,
We can wait until tomorrow
We can wait, we can wait, we can wait,
We can wait until tomorrow
We can wait, we can wait, we can wait,
We can wait until tomorrow
Not by me, obviously (I only wish). My favourite song, there, children. Unfortunatley it loses a good deal in the translation.
you speak german? send me this?
nope, it's in Swedish. Close though!
Swedish is a much prettier language. Sounds very ancient and very very poetic. I like.
i know about six german words, and couldn't think what other language was similar enough to use the some of the same words. but yes, that makes sense. i don't really remember the first translation, but even if i don't understand things i usually prefer them in their original language. conveys mood better, because it's what the musician intended.
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