Thursday, July 22

Black Eyes

When I'm coming home I'm being watched
A thousand tiny glass lines wind the road
Through a phantom hole in the city night
Black eyes watching me

Follow me, follow me
Then we'll see, then we'll see

When the pale face of the barren moon
Turns to burn the inverted day
I can't feel it in the same way as
Black eyes watching me

Why shouldn't we why should we?
Why don't we why don't we?

When I'm exhausted from the burden
I struggle to accept my birth
I'll curse the sky and curse the earth
Black eyes watching me

Take it in, take it in
They'll begin, they'll dig in

When I'm down to my last stand
And I've finally given all I can
When defeat is all I have
When I know they've driven me mad
I'll turn my head and look up high
Turn my black eyes to the sky
However pale, every time
Black eyes watching me.


Blogger tzb said...

Not at all, post away! I'd appreciate it if you could maybe put a link here for it though...

July 28, 2004 1:59 pm  

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