Friday, October 14

Trapped 2

I’ve been trapped here now
And though I’ve struggled to get out
I’ll remain within for weeks,
Trying hard to speak
But simple words will not come out,
I long them to shout;
The emotion is good,
It’s just there’s no force left that could.

I can hear them outside (pacing around)
As if they think I’ve died (sniff the ground)
And the airway run stale (how did it fail?)
And to think, you would fall for nothing at all
A ghost, a shower, a shipwreck, a hull
That’s hollow and cracked; yet still
Mountains move overhead,
And beneath I push with all the strength left.

Outside I hear them pacing around
And pawing the ground.


Yellow eyes nestle low;
Close pressed, these tiny blue eyes
Gazing towards light

Thick paws on thick snow;
The world is muted, softened
As she starts to dig

Leaves that have fallen;
Summer slowly slips away
Winter sheds her skin

Full days of hunting;
She fills herself with warmth now
Chases light for miles

Pressed together still;
She felt herself slip away
Light-footed angel

A new haze brought growth;
Standing shoulder to shoulder
As she stretches herself

Not quite a cub still;
The wild wind came running past
Out towards the woods.

(I think that last haiku might be my favourite thing I've ever written)

Carrying the Dawn

Going out to meet morning half-way,
All those quiet things seem loud again;
I feel each stone beneath my feet
(Wild rivers of light gushing between)
The sun is blindness in my eyes

Another night lived to see it rise
When the birds sing in the morning
You’ll find me carrying the dawn.

These Heaped Possessions

Not a stranger by birth,
Something which I must’ve learnt
Not forgiven, unrepented,
I’ve picked up habits and resentment
Arrogance and numb aggression
Lying beneath these heaped possessions
Still an animal with beating heart
Beneath as I will always be.